It's Always The Fucking Germans

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It's Always The Fucking Germans

New from The Rage: We started a Geyser Fund!

We community noted a lying politician

Vote on Chat Control is postponed

Richboy Sunak says you either die for your country or he'll take your bank accounts away

German asylum seekers now get special payment cards that limit cash withdrawals to 50€

In case we forgot how it ended the last time Germans tried to divide people by currency

Fucking Germans, again

Poland gets caught red-handed

Kaspersky gets banned in the US

Larry Fink wants to surveil everyone with stablecoins

Someone please check on Michael Saylor

Brock Pierce wants to expose Tether for terrorist financing, human trafficking

Mark Goodwin says we shouldn't forget that Brock Pierce does, in fact, know a thing or two about human trafficking

For the vibes

Justin Sun's bank goes bankrupt

CertiK hacks Kraken

CertiK deposits Kraken funds in Tornado Cash

Casa gets deplatformed from Stripe

Thats $177M that could have gone to

Blockchain Association has some uncomfortable questions for the IRS

First chapter of Resistance Money is now online for free

The BBC really hates Bitcoin

Mozilla acquires adtech startup

Cato drops CDBC book

New Bitcoin Core is out

Lightning Labs discloses LND DoS vulnerability

Trezor drops Trezor Safe 5

Everybody wants Miniscript

Burak introduces Brollups

GitHub wants to KYC you

Nutdrop send ecash via bluetooth dropped

Strike drops Bolt12 Playground

There's a Meshtastic Bitcoin Core bridge

Transfer ecash via sound

Satonomics launches open-source Glassnode

Floppy drops a Joinstr tutorial

Bonus: exclusive insights into The Rage editorial policy


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