A Racist, A Eugenicist, And A Stablecoin Issuer Walk Into A Bar

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A Racist, A Eugenicist, And A Stablecoin Issuer Walk Into A Bar
Photo by Girl with red hat / Unsplash
New from The Rage: EU finds Lightning Network could be used by criminals, wants to backdoor all the things – source: trust me bro

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Must read analysis of the Samourai Wallet case

Netherlands is not making it easy for Pertsev to prepare for appeal

Consensus panel on OFAC sanctions goes online

Amboss launches more surveillance

As Saudi/US Petro Dollar agreement comes to an end, WSJ says stables may save the day to drive demand for US debt and "keep up with China"

Old but included for relevance

Mastercard is phasing out manual card entries, introduces biometric authentication

SBF allegedly funded eugenicists


OpenAI appoints ex-head of NSA to board of directors as AP tries very hard to avoid the term NSA

Israeli news claims Enlo has cozied up with ex-8200

Trump says dumb shit about bitcoin

Biden does dumb shit with bitcoin

Democrats have no idea why Bitcoin projects would leave the US

Daniel Kuhn has readworthy thoughts on politics

Whatever this was

Discord gets you rekt

bolt12.org gets an update

Mercury Layer gets new documentation

Hedgehog gets bridge servers

Stablechannels on Core Lightning and LND work

Coinjoins also work

Coinjoins also work pt. 2

Joe has grim outlooks on running S19j Pro 96t

Resistance Money is launched

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